AM Radio Stations with FM Translators – Charlotte Region
Price: $250,000
Location: Charlotte, NC
Industry: Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
Listing ID: 8082072A
Listing Status: New
Offered for sale are two long-time local AM Radio Stations with FM Translators and a broadcast coverage area serving approximately 645,538 population. Strategically located in the fast growing Charlotte region along I-85, a main corridor providing a connection between the northeast and Atlanta. Current broadcast format is very local, community-based. Bring your creativity to expand and grow numbers and types of listeners, All equipment and relationships included to ensure success.
The sellers have other non-related interests that are requiring more of their time. Upside potential for a new owner operator to immediately grow the business.
FFE: $10,000
FFE Included: Yes
Year Established: 1992
Employees: 9
Facilities Information: The sale includes all equipment and employees to keep the business running smoothly. Real Estate is being offered separately for purchase, or the buyer may relocate the business and equipment.
Training & Support: The seller is willing to train and provide support for up to 2 weeks after the sale. The seller is also willing to connect the buyer with all supplier relationships to keep the business running smoothly.
Potential Growth: Radio maintains a strong weekly reach of more than 82.5% of United States adults and has continued to be a valued channel to bring in advertising dollars. Simply by a new owner devoting more time to develop additional programming and content delivery, this successful business can quickly grow in size. For example, developing a Youtube channel would show an immediate impact in listener growth.