2 Successful Daycares with Growth Potential in Hot Area
Price: $350,000
Location: Raleigh , NC
Listing ID: 8082010
This 9+ years established turnkey Daycare is well-respected, fully staffed, managed, fully equipped and successful. The desired buyer is someone who is capable of building on the already established standard operating procedures, and maximize the support of the local community. This sale is unique in the fact that 2 locations are being offered together. In addition to daycare, after school and summer programs are also offered.These two locations and new owner have the luxury of being supported with the foundation of a small, up and coming franchise, with additional opportunities for growth, training and collaboration.
Total Sales: $855,000
Cash Flow: $91,000
FFE: $75,000
FFE Included: Yes
Inventory: $5,000
Inventory Included: Yes
Year Established: 2013
Lender Pre-Qualified: No
Employees: 25
Managers: 2
Absentee Owner: Yes
Real Estate Included: No
Franchise: Yes
Relocatable: No
Facilities Information: Both facilities are leased, and 4000+ square feet per location. Each facility is thoughtfully laid out, has custom built Play Structures, audio visual, TV's, dedicated areas for each age group! Vans also included in sale to transport children that attend the camps.
Reason For Sale: Focus on other businesses.
Training & Support: The owners are committed to a successful transition to a new owner. The current owner, with the assistance of additional team members, have offered to spend 2-weeks with the new owner.
Competition: The daycare industry is poised to continue to grow over the next few years. Both locations are in a very convenient location which makes it easy for parents to drop and pick up their children.
Potential Growth: Increasing the community involvement aspect could definitely take both of these locations to the next level. In addition, additional marketing efforts within the community and enhanced activity on facebook and instagram would also make a significant impact.